February Social Day @ The Armory
Join us for our February social day at the Newington Armory. All level of players are welcome, even if it’s your first time throwing a disc.
Please meet at the hole 1 basket by 9:30am for player’s briefing with the round kicking off at approximately 9:45 am.
Game Type: Stroke (singles)
Layout: 18-hole WHITE
Entry Fee: $6 non-members, $5 for casual members or FREE for standard members and first time players.
Ace Pot (optional): $2 (prize $196)
Club Bag Tags: in play
We’ll be using the UDisc app (free version) for scoring. Download the UDisc mobile app here: IOS | Android
Please register for the event before 8:30am Sunday and check-in when you arrive at the course.
Prizes for best raw score round, handicap winner (members only), best female (min. 3 players) and CTP.
Following the end of the social round, if the weather is OK, stick around for a random doubles round.
Remember, no parking available inside the Armory for Social Day Events.
Please ensure your entry fee is paid before the round by direct deposit to:
BSB: 062-189
Account No.: 1053 4492
Ref: “FEBSOCIAL [your name]”
We also accept cash payment on the day if you prefer.
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